Placer County Community Development Center
The mechanical design incorporates both direct and indirect evaporative cooling, hot water coils served by ultra-high efficiency pulse-fire modulating boilers, and advanced control systems integrated into the design of both the air handling units and the energy management system to further increase the performance of the air conditioning equipment.
The majority of the building’s office spaces are served via an underfloor supply air plenum, which distributes air into the space through high-induction floor diffusers. A portion of the floor diffusers are dampered units that modulate airflow based on space temperature sensors to allow for greater control and improved occupant comfort. Perimeter zoning is accomplished with underfloor fan-powered terminal boxes that incorporate hot water reheat coils.
The arrangement of the underfloor distribution system promotes the development of stratification in the occupied space, both increasing ventilation effectiveness for higher indoor air quality and reducing the effective cooling load on the space, hence decreasing the required supply airflow. The mechanical design exceeded Title 24 efficiency standards in excessive of 44% energy savings, earning the prestigious Savings By Design highest performance building award.
Placer County
Auburn, CA
Williams + Paddon Architects + Planners, Inc
Project Value
Project Area
97,400 SF
Completion Date
Mechanical Engineering
Plumbing Engineering
LEED Documentation
Savings By Design Program
Title 24 Energy Analysis
2007 Best Civic/Institutional Project, McGraw-Hill California Construction Magazine
2006 Design Award of Merit, AIA Central Valley Chapter
LEED for New Construction Silver Certification