California State Capitol Annex Replacement

Currently in design, the new Capitol Annex will provide approximately 525,000 gross square feet of space, compared to the 325,000 square feet in the existing Annex.

The new Annex will support more and larger hearing rooms and conference rooms, more consistently sized office spaces, and more efficiently designed facilities.

The design plan for the new Annex will:

  • provide an accessible, efficient, and safe environment for State employees, elected officials, and the public they serve;
  • align the floors of the Annex with the West Wing to improve wayfinding and circulation;
  • allow Committee Chairs and staff better proximity to their committee work areas;
  • enlarge corridors to improve flow and access;
  • allow equipment currently placed in hallways to be moved into dedicated offices;
  • provide workspaces and facilities to better allow CHP and Sergeants at Arms staff to fulfill their security functions;
  • improve the flow of foot traffic;
  • develop sustainable and energy efficient facilities; and
  • provide modern facilities that meet current construction standards and codes.

Capital will function as Mechanical Engineer of Record for this historic project. The design team is currently in the early stages of the planning and design.

State of California

Sacramento, CA

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

Project Value
$470,000,000 (estimated)

Project Area
525,000 SF

Completion Date
2024 (anticipated)

Mechanical Engineering
Plumbing Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering